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Efficient and Robust Independence-Based Markov Network Structure Discovery.. 20th International Joint Conference of Artificial Inteliigence (IJCAI). :2431-2436.
2007. Efficient Markov network structure discovery using independence tests. Proceedings of the SIAM Conference in Data Mining. :141--152.
2006. Learning Markov Network Structure using Few Independence Tests.. SIAM Data Mining. :680--691.
2008. Efficient Markov network discovery using particle filters. Computational Intelligence. 25(4):367–394.
2009. Efficient Markov network structure discovery using independence tests. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. 35:449–484.
2009. Improving the reliability of causal discovery from small data sets using argumentation. The Journal of Machine Learning Research. 10:301–340.
2009. Markov networks structure discovery using independence tests. Computer Science. Doctor of Philosophy:182.